Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Summer is Almost Here!

With sustainability in mind, our guides and staff of Gallito de las Rocas look forward to welcoming you, your friends, and family to Manu National Park this 2012 season!  As the wet season dissipates and vegetation is rich, mammals and birds hunt and gather visibly, driving tourism to Manu National Park.  With 20,000 species of plants, 1,000 species of birds, 140 species of amphibians, 160 species of mammals, and 50 species of snakes, SERNAP (Servicio Nacional de Areas Protegidas) has been active assembling programs to ensure limited impact tourism is taught, directed, and accomplished through the parks partners, guides, and guests.  Within this program, a focus has been placed on animal research and monitoring equipped with consequences for broken rules including provisions regarding damage to any animal habitats.  Expediciones Gallito de las Rocas treats our guides are key players to ensure the sustainability factor while the tourists are in the park by fostering well-guided, educated tourists.  

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